Data Retention


This schedule covers all records, regardless of physical form, which are created, received and / or maintained by the KeyFocus Ltd. All such records are records and remain KeyFocus Ltd’s property. These records are subject to this Retention Schedule. Any queries regarding records or retention periods, or seeking changes / additions to this schedule please email us:

  • Column (a) indicates the different record types.
  • Column (b) indicates the recommended retention period for the record type. When the retention is a starting point + number (e.g. current year + 7), the number is the retention in years.
  • Column (c) indicates any statutory, legal or other guidance that determines the retention period stated in column (b)
  • Column (d) indicates additional relevant notes.

Record Type

Retention period

Compliance and Regulatory information

Sales enquiries

Current year + 2


Customer support records

End of subscription + 3


Sales invoices

Current year + 7

Tax legislation

Credit notes

Current year + 7

Tax legislation

License records

End of subscription + 10

Limitation Act 1980

Supplier correspondence

Current year + 5

Limitation Act 1980