KFSensor is a Windows based honeypot Intrusion Detection System (IDS).
It acts as a honeypot to attract and detect hackers and worms by simulating vulnerable system services and trojans.
By acting as a decoy server it can divert attacks from critical systems and provide a higher level of information than can be achieved
by using firewalls and NIDS alone.
KFSensor is designed for use in a Windows based corporate environment and contains many innovative and unique features such as remote management, a Snort compatible signature engine and emulations of Windows networking protocols.
With its GUI based management console, extensive documentation and low maintenance, KFSensor provides a cost effective way of improving an organization's network security.
The KFSensor Concepts section introduces you to the concepts of honeypots, intrusion detection systems and how KFSensor works.
The KFSensor Administration Guide section contains detailed instructions on how to install KFSensor and the next steps you should take in testing and configuring the system.
The KFSensor Manual describes in greater detail how to use each part of KFSensor.
The New features in this release section describes the changes in this release and newly raised issues.
For additional information on how to configure and use KFSensor visit the KFSensor Knowledge Base: http://www.keyfocus.net/kfsensor/kb/