

Event Details Viewer

Use the Event Details Viewer dialog box to view the received or sent data of an event in an expanded view.

Some events can generate a lot of data and this dialog box can be re-sized so you can view the data without scrolling.

The Format combo box provides controls how the format of the data is encoded.
This is necessary as the data can be in binary format as well as plain text.

Format Description
Text Ordinary ASCII characters are displayed as plain text and new line and return characters are not encoded.
Other characters are displayed as two hex letters representing their binary values.
For example a character with numeric value of 255 will be displayed as [FF].
Text, encode newline This format is identical to the Text format, but all characters including new line and return are encoded.
Text, URL style This format encodes binary characters using a % deliminator.
For example a character with numeric value of 255 will be displayed as %FF.
Hex This format displays the data in a classical hex dump format.
Decimal This format displays the data in a decimal dump format.

Allows the data to be saved to a file, selected by a Save As dialog box. The data is saved in the raw binary format, exactly as it was transmitted.

This is especially useful it you want to process the contents with another application, such as a virus checker.

KFSensor On-Line Manual Contents