

Database Log

KFSensor always records events into XML files, which it stores on the local machine.
It can also store events into an SQL based database. The Database Log dialog box enables the database settings to be configured.

Please read this section first: Choosing the database system, in the Administration Guide

ODBC Settings

  • DSN
    The DSN is the name of the unique ODBC definition.
  • User name
    The database account name with which KFSensor should log on with
  • Password
    The password of the database account.
    n.b. The User name and password may be blank if not needed. For example if you are using Windows integrated security in SQL Server.
  • Type
    KFSensor supports both SQL Server and MySQL. Choose the one you are connecting to.
  • Define ODBC DNS
    The Define ODBC DNS button launches the Windows ODBC configuration dialog. There are two versions of this on Windows for 64bit and 32bit drivers. This button will launch the correct dialog for your system.


  • Enable database logging
    If this option is checked then the KFSensor Server will write log events to the database.
  • Monitor uses database
    If this option is checked then the KFSensor Monitor will read log events to the database.
  • Memory conservation
    • Unchecked - KFMonitor loads and keeps complete events in memory. If there are many events with large received and sent fields then this will use a considerable amount of memory
    • Checked - KFMonitor only loads partial contents of an event, significantly reducing the amount of memory used. The disadvantage is that there will be a slight delay when the event details dialog is displayed, or when an event is exported, as the full details will then have to be loaded.
If you switch between the two options then only the log entries that have been written using the selected option will be accessible.

Database Version

Displays the current KFSensor database version.
As new features are added to KFSensor so occasionally there is need to change the database structure. KFSensor will inform you if have an old database structure and allow you to upgrade it using the Configure button.


  • Configure
    KFSensor requires several tables to be created in the database before it can be used.
    This button creates the tables that KFSensor needs.

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