

Edit Scenario

Use the Edit Scenario dialog box to add or edit a Scenario definition.

You will find a description of what are Scenarios here.


  • Name
    A unique name to identify the Scenario.
  • Domain Name
    This is the domain name used to identify the server to a visitor. It is used in various protocols such as SMTP. This could be the real domain name of the machine or a fictitious one.
    If you pick a fictitious one, try not to use a real domain belonging to somebody else. This value is used where the Sever Domain Name Parameter is used in a SimBanner definition.
    It is also used by the SMTP Sim Std Server definition.


  • Listen List
    This lists all the listens that are defined as part of the Scenario.
    Look at the Edit Listen section for details on what the columns are.
  • Active
    Toggles the active state of the selected Listen between true and false.
  • Add...
    Create a new listen definition.
  • Edit...
    Change an existing listen definition.
  • Delete
    Removes a listen definition.


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KFSensor On-Line Manual Contents