

Edit Signatures

Use the Edit Signatures dialog box to add, change, remove or export Signatures Rules.


Filter controls

As the number of signature rules can be large the filter controls enable a subset of the rules to be displayed.

  • Active
    This is a tri-state check box that filters the rules on their active status.
    • Tick - Only active rules are displayed
    • Blank - Only non-active rules are displayed
    • Square - Rules are not filtered on their active status
  • Archived
    This is a tri-state check box that filters the rules on their archive status.
    • Tick - Only archived rules are displayed
    • Blank - Only non-archived rules are displayed
    • Square - Rules are not filtered on their archive status
  • Source combobox
    Filter rules dependant on their source.
  • Rule count
    This displays two numbers; the first is the number of rules currently visible and the second the total number of rules.

Rule list

This table displays the currently filtered rules.
The rules can be sorted by clicking on the column header.

For a description of the columns see the Edit Signature Rule dialog box.

Related Topics

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